
Mouth Rinse

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A Healthy Body Starts with a Healthy Mouth

Your mouth is constantly trying to maintain a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria. When the bad bacteria get out of line, it’s a chain reaction that can affect the whole body.

Our Refresh Mouth Rinse uses nanoparticles to target that plaque and maintain a healthy oral-pH level, which helps to strengthen and support teeth and gums long after each rinse.


We craved a better oral-care experience - and as it turns out, we weren't the only ones.  Our Personal Care products are orthodontist-driven and scientifically mastered.  Thanks to this dream team, we're able to utilize nanotechnology - consisting of silver and gold nanoparticles - to naturally, effectively and safely address wellness in your mouth.

What is Nanotechnology?

To effectively kill the bad bacteria (or plaque) in your mouth, you need something strong.  No, not strong like alcohol; traditional alcohol-based products might kill surface-level bacteria, but they also can dry out your mouth and increase oral acidity, two conditions that enable bad bacteria to not only return, but to flourish.  And if the bad bacteria thrive, so do cavities, plaque, bad breath and more

Silver Nanotechnology

Our mouth rinse has tiny, nano-sized particles of silver naturally programmed to accomplish a worthwhile goal:  Destroy bacteria.  That's because silver is naturally antibacterial - or in other words, antiplaque.

Gold Nanotechnology

Once the plaque had been dealt with, gold nanoparticles help hold the silver in place so they have a greater, longer-lasting impact on the tooth surface over a greater period of time.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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